24/7 emergency number in case of problems: (+352) 55 66 55 66 or (+352) 24 66 16 11

All our news at a glance

Here we provide you with news and other interesting articles. Keep up to date with our news!

All our latest news at a glance

Gas costs are coming down in July 2024
Our gas customers will see a further…
Inauguration of the Minettenergie solar power...
On Tuesday, 21 May 2024, we inaugurated…
Annual report 2023

Stay informed with our SUDgazette

Issue 1/2020
Published in October 2020
[Translate to Deutsch:] SUDGAZette 2019 Cover
Issue 1/2019
Published in October 2019

Current press releases

Press release from 12/02/2021
SUDGAZ goes SUDenergie

Annual & sustainability reports

Sustainability Programmes
Published on 07/05/2021
2020 Annual Report
Published on 07/05/2021
2019 Annual Report
Published on 12/06/2020
2018 Annual Report
Published on 03/05/2019