24/7 emergency number in case of problems: (+352) 55 66 55 66 or (+352) 24 66 16 11

Understand your bill

Your annual bill made simple

In addition to your monthly advance bills, you will receive an annual bill in October of each year, which includes your natural gas consumption for the entire year. Your annual bill is sent either by post or (paperless) by email.

1. Billing address / Postal address

2. Place of natural gas use = metering point

3. Energy costs:
  a) Breakdown of overall consumption using the degree-day method or actual consumption if you have a SMART METER.
  b) Service price

4. Network usage costs, taxes, discounts

5. Total amount of the bill (natural gas + meter rental + service price + taxes + VAT)

6. Advance payments for the billing period

7. Balance (total costs – advance payments)

8. Schedule of next advance payments

9. Meter information at the time of the annual reading

10. History of your consumption to date (energy passport)

SUDenergie Customer Service

If you have any questions about your bill, please contact us
Mon. – Fri. from 7.30 am – 12 pm and 1.30 pm – 5 pm


about billing

When will I receive my annual bill?

In addition to your monthly advance bills, you will receive an annual bill in October of each year, which includes your natural gas consumption for the entire year. Your annual bill is sent either by post or (paperless) by email.

How much will this switch cost me?

Switching suppliers is free of charge.

How can I read my annual bill correctly?

All the elements of your gas bill are explained under the following link:

Understand your bill

Whom should I contact if I have questions about my bill?

You can contact our customer service by phone, fax or email.

Tel.: (+352)  55 66 55 1

Fax: (+352) 55 66 55 263

Email: frontoffice@sudenergie.lu

You can also visit our Customer Centre in Esch-sur-Alzette (150 Rue Jean-Pierre Michels).

How are my monthly advances calculated?

Billing consists of monthly advances and an annual bill. Each advance is 1/12th of the estimated annual consumption. If you choose to pay by direct debit, the bills are replaced by a payment schedule that the bank uses to debit the correct amounts from your bank account.