24/7 emergency number in case of problems: (+352) 55 66 55 66 or (+352) 24 66 16 11

mäi Stroum

Our sustainable energy tariff for your home

Your advantages

  • Fair price
  • Expert service
  • 100% sustainable electricity from wind energy

Tariff details for home customers

Tariffs valid as of 1st January 2024 - All prices on this page are exclusive of VAT (8%).

Electricity price

The tariff is applicable for home customers in all electricity distribution networks in Luxembourg :

Unit price Monthly base fee:
15,99 ct € / kWh 3,50 € / month


Payment by direct debit

- 1,00 € / month

Electronic billing

- 0,50 € / month

All prices on this page are exclusive of VAT (8%).

Distribution network costs

In 2024, the costs for using the low voltage grid are 0.075 €/kWh.

Monthly base fee for the access to the low-voltage grid

The monthly base fee for the access to the low-voltage grid is part of the additional service tariffs for network use that must be approved by the national regulatory authority. The price includes the administration costs, the purchase of the withdrawal capacity and the costs associated with meter operation. The amount depends on the connected load:

Intensity per phase (A) Billed total per month (€)











Electricity tax

The electricity tax is set annually in the budget law and varies depending on your annual consumption:

Category A 25,000 kWh per year Category B > 25,000 kWh per year
0.10 ct€ / kWh 0.05 ct€ / kWh

Contribution to the compensation mechanism

The contribution to the compensation mechanism is collected from every consumer. Its amounts are approved annually via a directive of the national regulatory authority ILR. The aim is to distribute among all consumers the additional purchasing costs of the network operators when they buy back electricity that was produced from renewable sources or from high-performance combined heat and power plants and that thereby benefits from a fixed remuneration.

Category A 25,000 kWh per year Category B > 25,000 kWh per year
-11.55 ct€ / kWh 0.15 ct€ / kWh

You can download our current tariff datasheet here

All the documents you can download

Contrat de fourniture intégrée - Conditions Générales (General Terms and Conditions)
Procuration pour encaissement par ordre de domiciliation bancaire (Direct debit mandate)
Fiche de résiliation de contrat (Moving/cancellation form)
Tarifs en cas de non-paiement (Non-payment charges)
2023 fuel mix disclosure data table