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Self-consumption vs total injection

Are you thinking of producing renewable energy by installing a photovoltaic plant on the roof of your house or car port? As a home customer you have two options for using the electricity you produce:

  • either you sell it by injecting it into the network
  • or you use it for your own consumption (the so-called self-consumption) and you only sell the electricity that you do not need

Please consider that if you opt for self-consumption, there may be times where you can only use part of the electricity produced. This is because the moment of production often differs from the moment where you consume the electricity. If you do not have a way to store electricity in a battery, you will have to export the excess to the grid.

The first option, that of a total injection, allows you to receive a fixed income for each KWh injected into the network. However, if the power of your installation exceeds 30 kWp, you will have to pay taxes on this income.

By opting for self-consumption, on the other hand, you will be able to reduce your electricity bills because you will consume less energy from the network.

Who buys solar electricity in Luxembourg?

To resell the electricity produced by your photovoltaic installation, you can choose freely from the electricity suppliers in Luxembourg, including SUDenergie. There are two methods of remuneration:

  • a fixed tariff established by the State
  • a variable tariff offered by an energy supplier

If you opt for feeding in your electricity at a fixed tariff, you will be paid at a rate guaranteed by a Grand-Ducal regulation for a period of 15 years. In this case, you will sign a contract with the grid operator who is in charge of the electricity network in your area and the energy supplier of your choice. The duration of the contract is 15 years. The feed-in tariff depends on the date of the first injection and the installed power. You can find the applicable rates on the Klima-Agence website.

The second option provides for a variable rate which can then be higher or lower than the fixed rate. Often this is a dynamic tariff based on stock exchange electricity prices. If you choose this option, you resell your electricity under the conditions offered by the supplier of your choice. To this effect, you will sign a solar electricity purchase agreement which defines the remuneration and duration of your commitment.

What are the different operation and remuneration modes?

You can choose between 4 modes:

  • Self-consumption + injection at a fixed tariff 

    you consume part of the electricity produced and you resell the excess at a fixed rate

  • Self-consumption + injection at a variable tariff

    you consume part of the electricity and you resell what you don't need at a variable tariff defined by your chosen supplier

  • Total injection at a fixed tariff

    you resell all of your electricity without using any yourself and you receive a fixed remuneration

  • Total injection at a variable tariff

    you resell all of your electricity at a tariff defined by the chosen supplier

Fixed prices are guaranteed by the Grand-Ducal regulation of April 12, 2019 for a period of 15 years. If you opt for feeding in at a variable rate, this will be defined by the supplier of your choice. By signing a contract with a varible tariff, you give up the option of being able to benefit from a fixed tariff guaranteed by the State.

Please be aware that state subsidies on your investment costs vary depending on the option you choose.

Here is a comparison showing you the different options concerning the mode of operation and remuneration of your photovoltaic installation:
ModeFeed-in tariff and contract durationState subsidy on the investment cost

Self-consumption + injection at a fixed tariff

Tariff guaranteed by the State for 15 years

20 %

Self-consumption + injection at a variable tariff

Variable tariff and contract duration, defined by the supplier

50 %

Total injection at a fixed tariff

Tariff guaranteed by the State for 15 years

20 %

Total injection at a variable tariff

Variable tariff and contract duration, defined by the supplier

20 %

What is the SUDenergie tariff for solar PV electricity?

Whether for new solar panels or for a plant that is already installed after the end of your guaranteed rate contract, SUDenergie offers you advantageous conditions for the purchase of your solar energy.

Our tariff is calculated based on the average market price of solar electricity. As a reference we use the MW Solar price of the German stock exchange, i.e. the price that is paid on average over a month for the kWh of solar energy. The MW Solar price is published no later than 10 business days after the end of the production month. It is expressed in ct/kWh.

Our feed-in tariff per kWh of electricity is the MW Solar price multiplied by the factor 0.82.

Regardless of the quantity of electricity resold, we charge a fixed monthly fee of €4.50 per month of production.

Check out the MW Solar price on the German stock exchange

Sounds interesting?

To get an offer for selling your solar electricity, please send us an e-mail specifying the following information:

  • the installed power of your panels
  • the commissioning date
  • the name of the beneficiary of the contract
  • the POD number
  • the address of the production site

If you have any questions, please give us a call and we'll be happy to help: (+352) 55 66 55 1 (we're available Monday to Friday, 8 am to noon & 1.30 pm to 5 pm)