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Supporting local clubs & organisations

It's been a long tradition at SUDenergie: for the 32nd time, 14 cultural and sports clubs from our shareholder municipalities received a sponsorship of € 750 supporting them in their activities. The cheques were presented by Carlo Muller, president, and Alain Fürpass, director of SUDenergie, together with the municipalities' representatives in our Board of Directors.

At the reception held this past Monday, 25 November, Alain Fürpass highlighted the clubs' importance: "They constitute the backbone of our society". Together with the many donations throughout the year, this sponsorship activity, for which the municipalities each nominate a club or an organisation, is linked to SUDenerie's committment of giving back to the local communities. “With the cheque that you will be given tonight, we also want to honour the committment of the volunteers that keep the clubs alive”, Alain Fürpass continued.

These are the recipient organisations of our 2024 sponsorship: